10-18-09 -Finding the dress - By Dai

I thought that all the tales about “once you put on ‘the one’ that you will know that’s the one” were all just tales after trying one dress # 25. Don’t get me wrong, all dresses I was trying on were so beautiful but I didn’t feel connected to one, so I was thinking it would be so hard to just pick one out of all the pretty dresses I was trying.

Wedding dress shopping was so amazing and exciting especially having my mom with me and my moh, although I do feel bad that there were days that I forgot to fit into the itinerary Lunch :-( oops but I am absolute sure now looking back to at my madness and crazy schedule, at the amount of driving I did (there was one day I went to almost all 5 Boros on NYC in one day!) … that it was all worth it!

As always I had a game plan to go to as many stores as I could in the search for ‘the one’. I want (mostly for my sake) count how many dresses I ended up trying, so here is a summary of the dress shopping schedule:



# Dresses


August 20



I was so disappointed with the collection and the amount of money they were charging for what I tried on. I did enjoy trying on the Disney collection dresses, but they just didn’t wow me.

August 21

RK Bridal


I really loved two dresses in the store. It gave me so much hope after Kleinfelds and I was very excited about the two that I liked. They were my ‘maybe the ones’ but since it was the beginning of the journey I had nothing else to compare it to so I was convinced that one of those two could be my wedding dress.

August 21

The Bridal Shop at Mamaroneck



I had the least enjoyable experience of trying on wedding dresses in this store just because how the owner run the store and the dressing rooms were awful, but a bad enviroment to be trying on wedding dresses. Again, here I found another amazing dress. Very different from the other two but the problem I was starting to have was that most places didn’t let me take pictures, so I have having problems remembering how I looked. So I had to go home and find each of the three dresses online and that helped me to at least removed the one from this store from the contenders because it didn’t compare.

August 24

Store in NYC


While walking in NYC, me and my mom saw this store and decided to go inside and see if I could try a dress. It was pretty but didn’t seem like a reputable store, so I decided to just leave it at that one dress that I tried and move on.

August 25

Macys at Herald square


Here, yet again, I found another dress to add to the ‘could be the one’ list. My mom and moh loved this one dress, but honestly I didn’t feel like it was ‘MY’ dress. It was really beautiful, I just didn’t feel that “je ne sais quoi” but I just added to the list of could be’s.

August 26

Dolores Bridal Boutique


We had an appointment to Macys at Menlo after and decided to go to this store in front of the mall. Saw one pretty dress, but that was about it… pretty but not my wedding dress. 

August 26

Macys at Menlo


Up to this point I have tried on about 25 dresses… and then all of the sudden I smiled like I hadn’t smiled before! The dress couldn’t have been more perfect even in my imagination... it was just perfection and I even had that ‘aha’ moment and said to myself “So it is true! You do know when you have found the one”. But even then, I was hesitant because what if this feeling was not real and there was another dress better than this one. I still believe in my first instinct after left a deposit but I felt like I had to continue looking, if anything to get reaffirmation that this was the one.

August 27

Bridals by Roma


Now that I had the one that I thought was “the one” everything I tried was just comparing it back to that one. In this store they had one of the original dresses I picked at the Macys Herald square and I knew that after comparing it to my dress, it didn’t compare. So I was starting to feel relieved and excited about now ‘my soon to dress’

August 28



This place was honestly just scary in a way. I found it through wedding message boards of a place that made their own dresses at a fraction of the cost but supposedly looked really nice and well made… But to me that was definitely not the case. Some were plain scary, others were not bad but still not a dress that I would ever wear to my wedding. However, coming to this store ended up to being one of the best things that ever happened because they had me try on the dresses using ‘a hop’ shirt underneath. All other stores I was just using a ‘crinoline’ slip and it just didn’t do it, but this hop was really absolute perfect so I bought it on the stop.

August 28

Macys at Manhasset


Now here starts a dress dilemma, because I found a dress that was very very similar to mine but from next years collection since it was a trunk show. The dress was very similar but I thought that there were things I liked from this dress more than mine and viceversa. Since the dress would only be there for the weekend, I had to figure out if I wanted this dress more becusae it had to be order before the trunkshow was over, so  I had two days to think and keep trying on dresses.

August 29

Park Avenue Bridals


In this store I found one pretty dress that if I hadn’t found my dress before I would have put it in the contender category but now it was just in the pretty dress category. The lady was too pushy and wanted me to keep trying on dresses even though I really didn’t want to, plus they were late of our appointment. It really ruins the experience when they don’t make you feel special.

August 29

Bijou Bridal


The store had pretty dresses, just none for my taste and what I was looking for. I did found a dress that made me feel like ‘sleeping beuaty’ and my and my moh had a great idea (we thought at the time) that each bridesmaid and the moh should each dress in different colors and be my fairy good mothers (PS: this is that one day that it was now 4pm and I made them skip lunch, so I think we were all hallucinating).

August 29

Macys at Menlo


Since I felt like I had to make my decision of the dress that weekend in case I wanted the dress from the trunk show, I also had my moh come see the dress I had picked to be ‘my dress’ and compare it the day after when we would all go to see the other. Again, as soon as I put on the dress I just couldn’t stop smiling and my mom noticed how my smile with this dress was completely different than any other. We took pictures and trying to keep the mental image so that when we would have to go to compare it to the other dress the next day.

August 30

Macys at Manhasset


My mom and moh were there (Anthony was actually waiting in the car downstairs since we were also doing flower shopping that day) to compare the trunk show dress to my dress. And again, we all felt in a dilemma, I was very difficult only comparing one dress at a time, but the consensus were that the top of my dress was much prettier, the one thing we liked about the trunk show dress was the additional beading on the skirt. But I also had to keep in mind that I had put a deposit on my dress at Menlo. The manager at Manhasset suggested that I wait until the Menlo Macys had their trunk show which would be in a couple of weeks and that way I could try both dresses on at the same time… and we agreed that was the best decision.

September 4

Macys at Menlo


Kim from Menlo (which honestly was the nicest manager that we encountered – along with Karen who was the consultant) had requested that the dress that I was thinking about be taken off from the trunk show earlier and shipped to her store so that I could try on both dresses while my mom was still in town.

I tried them both and I’m a so happy we waiting until we had both dresses together at the same time because I was able to see how my original dress, just as it was, was absolutely perfect!!!! And that was it the final “This is my Wedding dress moment” !


08-18-09 -Welcome to the site! - By Dai


I want to just express how excited I am that the wedding site is done. It turned out SO much better than I ever expected. I know I can speak for Anthony that he is also excited that it is also completed but mainly so that I do not ask him to create something new to site!


For the first blog I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the website and all the little things we went though in order to have it come out the way it did. We have been working on it since April! So it took a lot of work, a lot of hours (some of aggravation) but since we made it from scratch there were a lot of the ideas that I thought would work well.... however they just didn’t. So, a lot of time was spent trying all the different ideas that I would come up with... and now after seeing how it turned out I think it was well worth it. So Thank you honey for all your work, dedication, patience and love!



Since the beginning, I knew I wanted the site to sparkle as much as it could and I think we did that successfully with: the background, the silver divider and the roses. There was some hesitation about making the background so dark, and we did tried other lighter background colors, but the one we picked (since the beginning) was really perfect and the only one that would make all the different elements in the site look cohesive, but by no means the dark color is a resemblance of what the actual wedding day colors will be.



I had the inspiration of each of the elements of the beginning flash and Anthony really made it come to life... After a whole day of work but it really worked! I picked each one of the pictures, the divider and then we were able to create the flash as a preempt of the site and of the wedding. The castle was important to have somehow in the site since that is where we got engaged and then we added Tinkerbell manually for her to fly in to the page. I love how it came out and the sign we created came out so well that we added it at the top of the actual site as well (but this time the divider was able to sparkle which made it even better!).



My #1 request for our reception hall was that there should be chandeliers and therefore I had to have them in our site too! It took a few hours of research and after about 15 different ones that we tried on the site, we found the perfect ones = very shiny! I wanted the sidebar to be different and I came across address labels that had the ‘Cinderella/Fairytale’ theme and thought that it would look good to have as icon for the side bars. Since they were all different colors, the site didn’t look very cohesive, so we thought of making them all black and white and then when the mouse is over the actual color would come up, along with stars. Of course, that meant that each icon had to be created twice on Photoshop and added to the site. Originally, the right sidebar background was a picture of static red roses but we found sparkly rose background (when looking for a new background) and my mom suggested the idea of putting those, not as the background of the page but of the sidebar instead of the static roses which even added more sparkle! She also came up with the idea of adding a type of scroll/parchment paper to play off the ‘royal’ idea and after a lot of research we found the perfect one. Again using Photoshop, we made the image smaller so that we can carry the theme thought out each of the pages of the site.


Of course the MUSIC! I knew I wanted music and I knew it had to be from Disney because it really defines our relationship and the song ‘Wishes’ which is the song played at Magic Kingdom during the Fireworks couldn’t have been more perfect. First, that was the show that we saw after our engagement and every time we go to Disney, and it just the epitome of Anthony and I and our relationship so we Love it!


So as you can see a LOT of detail and work went to this side and we really hope that you have enjoyed looking at is as much as we enjoyed making it!




Next- Coming Soon




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