Jurate Kukanauza

Mother of the Bride

Dai Comments: I could never imagine my wedding day without sharing it with the most special person in the world – My mom! I hope that you are proud of the little girl you raised and of what I have become because I owe it all to you. My wedding wouldn’t be my wedding without you there by my side. I love you!
Anthony Comments: I remember the first time that I met Dai’s mom, which was about four months after Dai and I started dating and just a few weeks after we moved into our place together.  She has been very kind, caring and loving with me always.  I am happy that we had the chance to go on vacations together around NYC, AC and Disney World and I look forward to many other trips that we will take in the future. I feel very happy and lucky to soon be part of the family and I couldn’t have asked for a better mother-in-law.


Benedict P. Tommasino

Father of the Groom
Dai Comments: Since the first day I met Ben, he has always treated me as if I was part of the family. Ben always made me feel welcomed and that was so important to me since my family is all way, so thank you for accepting me and making me always feel at home. I truly feel honored to be your soon to be daughter in law.
Anthony Comments: There is just so much that I can say about my Dad.  He’s been there for my always and has the insightful words of wisdom.  He’s always willing to talk about anything, especially the stock market, and his guidance has helped me throughout my life.  I will always cherish his advice and I hope he is happy with his son and all that he has accomplished so far.


Arunas Mazeika

Brother of the Bride

Dai Comments: I am so happy to have you, my dearest brother, there to share the happiest day of my life next to me. I know that you will be happy to know that I have found someone to look after me here and I hope you can soon give your seal of approval before the wedding (although it may have to be the day before the wedding if you don’t visit soon).

Anthony Comments: While I have not had the pleasure to meet Arunas in person yet, I have had the opportunity to talk to him and he has been a great help to us with the website and making things work. I hope that I will be able to meet him before the day of the wedding, but I have a feeling that whenever we do actually get a chance to meet, we will get along like we have known each other for a long time.


In Memory of our beloved parents

Christina Tommasino

Mother of the Groom


Saulius Mazeika

Father of the Bride


Bridal Party


Marlene Moronta

Maid of Honor

Dai Comments: I have been BFF of Marlene since back in college and she has been there since the beginning of our relationship and have seen us grow to be the ‘old couple’ she always call us, which just reassures me that we were meant to be.

I knew you were the only choice for MOH because there is no one else that knows us better than you!  There just no words to describe our bond and our friendship because it is truly unique and goes beyond any boundaries and I'm just so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for our beautiful friendship and for always being there..

Anthony Comments: I have known Marlene for just about as long as I have known Dai. She is always there for her and very caring and kind hearted. We have had a lot of great times with Marlene, from going to AC to Great Adventure to the many meetings for planning for the wedding. I know that Marlene will always be there for Dai and myself and I look forward to having Marlene always be part of our lives!

Groom's Party


Justin Weag

Dai Comments:
The first few times that I met Justin he got to see the real me from the beginning and because of that I hope that you know how much I like you as a friend (I would have let you known otherwise!). You are a true friend to us and we feel honored that you are part of our wedding…And I promise to put up with your ‘Donny’ callings for the rest of my life, that’s how much I like you!
Anthony Comments: I have known Justin for the past 8 years, all starting in the freshman dorm, D-Wing, in college. The first memory I have of Justin was walking outside of the dorm room to my car and Whack!, I get hit in the face from his pillow as he was walking to the dorm. Justin has been a great friend and I know that he feels to same way towards me. We have had a lot of great times together, from playing video games to seeing movies to just relaxing and talking. I know we will be great friends in the future.

Marie Tommasino


Dai Comments: Meeting Marie was nerve-racking for me because I have always wanted a sister and if this went well this would be the closest thing I would come to it. For some reason, our relationship happened organically since it was as if we already knew each other. We have so much in common that it feels as if Marie was my brunette twin!

 I know that I can always count on your advice and we are only one ‘im’ away! I cannot wait until we are actually family and I hope that our friendship continues to grow.

Anthony Comments: There are so many things that I can say about Marie. She is that wonderful sister that is always there for me and always willing to talk about problems, issues and what’s going on in life. We have grown up and have been getting old together…haha. I remember bringing you to the King of Prussia Mall and Costco when we were both in college like it was yesterday! Marie is very caring and is a great sister and always a lot of fun!

Francis Tommasino


Dai Comments: Francis is the wild child of the Tommasino family but deep down Francis has a really nice heart, although it took me a couple of months to ‘get’ Francis’s ‘humor’. I’ll miss you lots when you goes to the Army but you must come back for the wedding because… just because!

Anthony Comments: Am I allowed to say Punk on this website…Well I guess since I created it I can say whatever I want. Francis, well I mean France, is a great brother who can be annoying, but can also be a great guy. You just need to get past his exterior…haha. I still think you cheat on Madden, but I still have the last laugh from the last time we played…and who can forget Halo. My life would not be the same without Francis.

Camila Gomez


Dai Comments: Camila was my favorite ‘brother’ when we pledged our fraternity and we immediately connected. We were roommates on our last year at College and she has been there for me through it all.

I knew that I wanted you by my side on the day of our wedding just as you have always been because even now that we are far away that connection has not been and will never be lost.

Anthony Comments:  The first time I met Camila is when Dai and I went down to Orlando and we met in downtown for Sushi. We have been able to see Camila a few times since then, when she came up to NY and we all had a great night that night and again in Orlando. Camila is a great friend to Dai and she is an amazing and special person and I am very happy that I have had the chance to get to know Camila.

Benedict Tommasino


Dai Comments: Apart from the blonde jokes I (heart) Benny, although it does makes me feel like part of the family, just as if it was my brother picking on me.. So it’s all good.

Anthony Comments: What can I say about this one? Can we say Grand Theft Auto and Jurassic Park? Benny, although he is the youngest, he is a great brother and always a lot of fun. We will always have Halo…even if you go online to practice so that you know where everything is and can beat me…haha. Benny is a great brother that I am happy and lucky to have.

Georgette Tommasino


Jennifer Tommasino

Jr. Bridesmaid Princesses

Dai Comments: I still remember the first time I meet you girls and how much fun we had and it seem that I have known you since forever! I love all the times we spend together because we just have a great time either playing at the pool, meowing with Jennifer or conspiring with Georgette, and most of all just being silly all around. I’m so happy you girls will be princesses at our wedding.

Anthony Comments:  Ah, my beautiful two little cousins that I have seen grow up so much from those little babies. I have seen you guys every step of the way and it’s hard to believe how old you guys are now! I love coming over to your house and swimming with you guys and playing the Anthony Game and Tower of Terror.



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